News • Politics • Education
Here you will find a short commentary of news articles, usually articles that do not appear in MSM. Sometimes, I will write an opinion minus a news article.
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December 27, 2022
Divisive teachings of Marxism in our education system.

"...there aren’t really counter-arguments to the idea that Pluto is a dwarf planet rather than a full planet. It simply is one. Some CRT activists seem to see the tenants of their field as equally beyond question. CRT isn’t a hard science and should stop pretending to be one"

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February 03, 2023

The people who see racism in everything are proving Dr. King to have been correct,

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February 01, 2023
Fundamentally changing America, in a nutshell.

Home of the Brave (not so much) and the Free (BIG TIME.) Like Trump said, "They are not sending us their best." There you have it — more entitlement than gratitude. In a heartbeat, that migrant’s mindset has gone from dreaming of freedom in America to demanding luxury accommodations in Manhattan — for free, of course.

January 31, 2023
Forget Russia, how about Google interfering in our elections?

“In other words, our minds, our political beliefs, and our world views are inseparably linked to Google’s search results,” Kanekoa asserted, “but Google is no longer an objective source of information, and the tech giant is actively censoring what we see.”

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